Financial Tools

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For 80% loan without any existing HDB or bank loan

Normal Payment Scheme ( Progressived Payment)

1) Upon booking and selecting a unit 5% CASH

2) 8 weeks month later: Stamp duty fees payable upfront in Cash to government and will reimburse back to you in CASH from your CPF account if there's sufficient fund
         Stamp Duty: Purchase Price x 3% -5400

3) 15% CPF ( 8-9 weeks later)

4) After which, balance 80% from monthly installment plan

Defered payment scheme

1) Upon booking and selecting a unit 5% CASH

2) 8 weeks later: Stamp duty fees payable upfront in Cash to government and will reimburse back to you in CASH from your CPF account if there's sufficient fund
         Stamp Duty: Purchase Price x 3% -5400

3) 15% CPF ( 8-9 weeks later)

4) After which, balance 80% from monthly installment plan starts 18 Oct 2012
**Please note that there is a 2% premium charge for deferred payment scheme

For 60% loan with existing HDB or bank loan

Normal Payment Scheme ( Progressive Payment)
1st payment : 5% CASH upon booking
2nd payment: 8-9 weeks later: 5% CASH + 10 % CPF
3rd payment: 9 months later: 10% CPF
4th payment: 1 year later: 10% CPF
Total payment : 40%
5th payment thereafter : monthly installment plan from CPF

Defered payment scheme
1st payment : 5% CASH upon booking
2nd payment: 8-9 weeks later: 5% CASH + 10 % CPF
3rd payment: 9 months later: 10% CPF
4th payment: 1 year later: 10% CPF
Total payment : 40%

5th payment thereafter : Balance 60% replayment scheme starts from 18 October 2012

Please note that there will be a premium charge of estimate 2% for deferred payment scheme